Monday, November 25, 2013

...:::To Comb Or Not To Comb:::...


    I know your reading this title and in your head, your all like who doesn't comb their hair? You would be surprised. most people ( me being one) rarely comb their hair. Not combing your hair can be beneficial. There has been lots of times where I haven't combed my hair and people often tell me that my hair looked good that day and all I can think in my head is, boy if you only knew.
Me and my hair has a love hate relationship. I love it and it hates me. All of the time its frizzy so I continue to let it be. I'll straighten it but it never straightens. I'll curl it but it never curls there's really nothing that I can do that is guaranteed except going outside and letting it frizz up. Even when I wear my hair in a fro it never corporates. What's a girl to do? Her hair is the most important thing to her.

    My hair is never my friend so much to the point that I have had it cut more than multiple times. That definitely never works because every time it grows back it grows longer and more difficult than before. So I came to the conclusion that I need to try something new.
When I was a kid I had long and curly hair until my hairdresser at the time put a perm in it. Perms are supposed to straighten your hair (if your African-American) but it did no such thing for mines. Now that I'm older and I do my own hair, I am trying to restore it back to the way it was before. In order to do that I tend to, go comb free. Going comb  free can and will improve ones curl definition, and my hair is no longer frizzed out by combs or brushes. keeping up with my curls was a problem at first when  I started noticing  that they  weren't defining themselves easily. I tried doing other things to manage my curls such as henna treatments, braids, twists, and multiple creams but that usually didn't work. Until I realized that my curls could be defined I just needed a different approach that's why I started not combing it.

    Another reason I really don't comb my hair is that I spend a lot of money on combs. Yes I said I spend a lot of money on combs. I do this because they break a lot. I told you me and my hair don't get along. The timeless question. If you don't comb your hair then how do you get it to look like the way it does? Finger detangling . Finger detangling your hair is a completely different hair care experience and takes some time to get used to. This is not a life decision eventually I will go back to combs but for now, this is what I'm working with. If you want to switch to this method but are a little iffy and want to way out your options, check out this website for good tips.
Benefits Of Not Combing

Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself. ~Hubert de Givenchy, Vogue, July 1985

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