About Me

There are seven wonders of the world and I believe that hair should be the eighth. Why do you ask? Because there are so many types and different dimensions. There are many questions about hair that need to be and should be answered. I have prior knowledge but there’s always room for growth. Every time a female passes me I almost always stare at her hair and then  I tend to ask myself is that hers? This is a common question that women have asked themselves. I decided to ask women instead of wondering. It turns out they have more questions than I do myself. Being female I chat a lot and hair is the mostly talked about topic between us. What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to answer not only women’s but mens as well, questions about hair. I also hope to learn a few  new things along the way myself. What started out as a class project has now takenmy interest and I hope to continue this further. I also will be making a blog inside a blog stay tuned to read all about My Nappy Diaries.

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