Tuesday, December 10, 2013

...:::Setting The Record Straight:::...

    There are plenty of hair myths floating round and I just wanted to put a few of them to rest. While washing your hair everyday will make it clean, its not beneficial to your hairs health. Washing your hair everyday results in the build up of natural oils in your scalp, making your hair appear greasy. Another myth is that if you pluck or pull one of your grey hairs others will form as a result this again, is not true. But one thing pulling your hair does is create scalp irritation which can be harmful to the hair follicles. Some people believe that you are supposed to comb your hair from the top to the bottom but that definitely is not the case. You are supposed to comb your hair from bottom to top because combing it the other way can cause breakage.

    Folks believe a lot of things when it comes to their hair and a lot of those things aren't true. Some folk believe that stress can cause baldness which is not the case. Genetics is 95 percent of the reasons why we go bald.  The main reason for hair loss, breakage, and all that other stuff is because people do not take care of their hair the way they are supposed to. In order to get your hair the way you want or need it is to buy the right products and become the best friend of a hairstylist. If your hair isn't where you want it to be right now just wait every thing progresses over time and remember nothing happens over night so don't become frustrated just do what you have to do and wait.

The hair is the richest ornament of women. 
~Martin Luther

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