Tuesday, December 10, 2013

...:::World Hair Records:::..

     Everyone, without a doubt loves their hair but I believe some love their hair more than most. Is having long hair a good thing? In society it is, social media loves a woman with beautiful hair and skin. What if that beautiful hair effected your health? Would you cut it then? What if your long hair was crucial to your health but it made you famous? Asha Mandela, the woman with the longest hair in the world, has 55 foot long dreadlocks. Yes they are beautiful but they cause her tremendous amounts of pain. After all that's like the weight of several (exaggeration) other people on your head alone. The doctors seem to think that she could have a curvature of the spine and that it's the length and the weight of her hair that's making me curve. So I would have to ask is loving your hair worth the risk of health problems? She has been growing her hair for a long time the attachment to that is like a child to a parent so I could understand why she wouldn't want to cut it but if I were her I would definitely have to fix that. Seeing as how I once wanted to be come a dread head myself, I totally understand her. Because of Asha, the world record for the longest dreadlocks was retired in 2009.

Aevin struggles to see out from underneath her extravagant hairdo if she does not style it up properly

     As a woman of color and of natural hair, I am most proud of this other hair record that has been set. Aevin Dugas, a woman who has spent the last 14 years growing her hair out, entered the Guinness Book of Records with a fro of 4ft 4ins around. She believes that her hair has grown even bigger but can't reveal its size until Guinness takes an official measurement. Even though Dugas had the biggest fro she doesn't let all the recognition go to her head, she thinks the best thing about her hair is meeting the little girls who say they want to grow their hair like hers! She says "she loves that the natural movement has gotten to the kids because if we can get to them before they get relaxers, they won’t have to go through the turmoil of going natural, the big chop, transitioning etc."

Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hair stylist you like.  ~Author Unknown

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