Tuesday, December 10, 2013

...:::The Nappy Diaries Part 2:::...

"Between the cradle and the grave lie a haircut and a shave."
                                                               -Samuel Hoffenstein

...:::Practice Makes Perfect:::...

The most interesting thing in the world to me is hair. Seeing as how I love art I feel as though creating a hairstyle is a form of creating art. You can do anything you want with hair. Not only does doing hair give me a little bit of extra money but it gives me joy. When I was younger I had to learn to do my own hair and even though I'm not where I want to be right now I know that I have a long way to go but I'm practicing so far. That is what the above pictures are. I plan on going to hair school when I graduate from USM but as for now I'm taking it one day at a time and teaching myself.
    When a woman ceases to alter the fashion of her hair, you guess that she has passed the crisis of her experience.  
-Mary Hunter Austin The Land of Little Rain,'The Basket Maker'.

...:::World Hair Records:::..

     Everyone, without a doubt loves their hair but I believe some love their hair more than most. Is having long hair a good thing? In society it is, social media loves a woman with beautiful hair and skin. What if that beautiful hair effected your health? Would you cut it then? What if your long hair was crucial to your health but it made you famous? Asha Mandela, the woman with the longest hair in the world, has 55 foot long dreadlocks. Yes they are beautiful but they cause her tremendous amounts of pain. After all that's like the weight of several (exaggeration) other people on your head alone. The doctors seem to think that she could have a curvature of the spine and that it's the length and the weight of her hair that's making me curve. So I would have to ask is loving your hair worth the risk of health problems? She has been growing her hair for a long time the attachment to that is like a child to a parent so I could understand why she wouldn't want to cut it but if I were her I would definitely have to fix that. Seeing as how I once wanted to be come a dread head myself, I totally understand her. Because of Asha, the world record for the longest dreadlocks was retired in 2009.

Aevin struggles to see out from underneath her extravagant hairdo if she does not style it up properly

     As a woman of color and of natural hair, I am most proud of this other hair record that has been set. Aevin Dugas, a woman who has spent the last 14 years growing her hair out, entered the Guinness Book of Records with a fro of 4ft 4ins around. She believes that her hair has grown even bigger but can't reveal its size until Guinness takes an official measurement. Even though Dugas had the biggest fro she doesn't let all the recognition go to her head, she thinks the best thing about her hair is meeting the little girls who say they want to grow their hair like hers! She says "she loves that the natural movement has gotten to the kids because if we can get to them before they get relaxers, they won’t have to go through the turmoil of going natural, the big chop, transitioning etc."

Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hair stylist you like.  ~Author Unknown

...:::Setting The Record Straight:::...

    There are plenty of hair myths floating round and I just wanted to put a few of them to rest. While washing your hair everyday will make it clean, its not beneficial to your hairs health. Washing your hair everyday results in the build up of natural oils in your scalp, making your hair appear greasy. Another myth is that if you pluck or pull one of your grey hairs others will form as a result this again, is not true. But one thing pulling your hair does is create scalp irritation which can be harmful to the hair follicles. Some people believe that you are supposed to comb your hair from the top to the bottom but that definitely is not the case. You are supposed to comb your hair from bottom to top because combing it the other way can cause breakage.

    Folks believe a lot of things when it comes to their hair and a lot of those things aren't true. Some folk believe that stress can cause baldness which is not the case. Genetics is 95 percent of the reasons why we go bald.  The main reason for hair loss, breakage, and all that other stuff is because people do not take care of their hair the way they are supposed to. In order to get your hair the way you want or need it is to buy the right products and become the best friend of a hairstylist. If your hair isn't where you want it to be right now just wait every thing progresses over time and remember nothing happens over night so don't become frustrated just do what you have to do and wait.

The hair is the richest ornament of women. 
~Martin Luther

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

...:::Hair Tell All:::...

    If I have any single men readers, this post is for you. Ever dated a woman but you felt as though you were not in sync? That's because you didn't pay attention to her hair. They say you can tell a lot about a woman just from her hair and I say its true. Whenever anything drastic in my life happens I get a new hair color or cut. Just last week I was a brunette now I'm a red head. Sometimes I'm a certain color because I get the wrong one but either way, I have to change. My favorite color thus far I would have to say has been when I died my hair pink for breast cancer awareness month. I get a lot of looks and comments but the comment that's my favorite and never gets old is, "You must think your white". For me, it never gets old. Yes I know I'm black and I think that's a stereotype that only white people dye their hair but that's a discussion for some other time. Sometimes haircuts can be life changing. But in case you want to approach a woman but don't know how to do it based on her hair, I can help you.

   A woman with a curly head usually means that she's low-maintenance, easygoing and has a high tolerance for putting up with stuff , after all, she has curls and they are hard to manage. A woman with bangs usually means she's the flirtacius/ playful type. She'll enjoy a date at the batting cages. If she has super long hair try to stay away. Well you don't have to but a woman with long hair is afraid of change which would mean she's a commitment fobe, unless the long hair in her head is extensions. She’s sentimental and wants to keep what’s been growing for however long, long. A woman with a bob can go either way. She either just got over a bad break up or she's looking for a new one to get into. Either way pay attention to her. Pigtails, don't even go near here, she's obviously juvenile and will have you thinking about your younger sister throughout the whole relationship. A woman with a afro is a woman of empowerment, she knows what she wants. After all she has to have a lot of confidence to walk around with hair that big and tall.
   Women are now and always have been sensitive about their hair. Saying the wrong thing about their hair or doing the wrong thing to it (like touching it) can make or break your relationship. Just so you don't mess up, read about hair or become one with your girl and her hair. After all you have to love her hair as much as she does or she will hate you. Check out the following article so you can know what not to say to a lady.


                                                                            A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life
                                                              – Coco Chanel

...:::The Nappy Diaries:::...


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

....:::We Don't Go To Sleep Pretty:::..

   Men always question how a woman can go to sleep and wake up the same way she did before. There is no magic to it the only way a woman can manage her hairstyle is a sleeping cap. There is no woman I know who doesn't tie her hair up at night. Even women I don't know do it. ( Pay attention to some of the females that walk around on campus). But there questions why wrap your hair up? What is its purpose? It serves a good one if I must say so myself.

Women sleep in caps because they preserve the hair style and also to protect their hair from breakage and drying out while sleeping. Sleeping caps are not something that was created in the 21st Century, it's something that's been around for a lot longer than that. Most people think that only African Americans do it but people of all races do. African Americans just do it more because their hair type is more prone to drying out and breaking.

There are all types of sleep caps but the ones made from silk or satin are the best, as cotton will actually absorb the oils out of the hair, helping dry out the hair. The best combination, however, is a satin pillow case with a satin sleep cap. So that if the sleep cap comes off at night, the pillow case, at least,  is not cotton. However, if this is brand new news to you (which you would have to been living under a rock for it to be), I suggest you start wearing a sleep cap now if you are going to, after all, the sooner, the better. But if you have  already tried it and noticed that they have not stayed on, or they end up somewhere other than your head by in the morning, you should  know that like all things it takes time to learn. It's not going to happen overnight!

Sleep caps range from different sorts to prices. Most people might purchase a wrap but that is not the same as a sleep cap.  Wraps don't seem to stay "wrapped" for very long. The knots stay  fine, but with all the movement in the bed they just don't seem to stay put. I agree that they are  fine for naps, but they do/will not  last overnight. Be sure to get a cap that fits breathability is important when looking for sleep caps.
If you don't want to go  out and buy a sleep cap there are always other things that you can resort to. For instance, one of the least expensive options is that you can use pantyhose. They are breathable and stretch remarkably well over the head while still providing a snug fit. Cut the legs off the hose and just use the "panty" part of it for the sleep cap. Because pantyhose come in all different sizes, you have a wide variety to choose from. Want more on this visit the website below.

...:::From Frizz To Ease:::...

As a kid lots of people would come up to me and say "Can I have your hair"? Of course I told them no but now as I look back on my life, I feel like I should have told them yes! My hair is a burden but of course you know that because that's all I talk about. Even though I talk a lot about my hair, I do love it and I'm always looking for new ways to tame it.

There are lots of tips and tricks that when people hear about them would look at you like your crazy. Personally the fact that my hair is manageable would compensate with the looks from those who still walk around looking like the beast as opposed to the beauty.

Lotion, is not only good for your ashy knuckles and thighs but its good for your hair as well. It tames static without weighing your hair down. No I'm not saying pour your whole bottle of Oil of Olay on your head but simply put enough on your hands to dispurse throughout your head to get the job done. Like the Charmin commercial says, "Less is more". Another product that is good for taming frizz is Garnier Fructis style anti-humidity hairspray flexible control strong. It averages about $5 and I must say it is a good purchase. Ever since I bought this item I can honestly say I don't do my hair for nothing anymore.

Another good product to try on your hair is a humidifier. I know your thinking that a humidifier is for keeping your skin from drying up but it can also help your hair. I know your skeptical but have I lead you wrong thus far? Due to a lack of moisture in the air, your hair becomes more conjoined to static. Since a humidifier works to put moisture back in the air, it would restore moisture to your hair when the heat monster outside gets to it.

When I was younger I wasn't a curl person, at all but now that I don't like doing my hair I have retracted the I hate curls campaign. Those of you who do like curls, I know that you like them to stay in tact and refined. Most of the time, however, you can't get them to stay that way. Try using a bit of dry shampoo and conditioner as well. This works for taming your locks. The way it works is as a de-tangler and re-hydrator. It manages to add shine without the wash and dry process. before you leave to brace the cold air, give your hair a quick dose. Although, don't over do it, be careful to only spray on the bottom half of your hair, otherwise it might give too much moisture at the roots.

Here's where the majority of the looks will start to come in. Two words, dryer sheets. If you've heard those words come up in a discussion about hair, you've probably thought that it was too good to be true but it's not. Dryer sheets are an effective way of overcoming staticky hair. Take a dryer sheet along the length of your hair for instant help. Dryer sheets can also help keep your combs and brushes static-free. Wrap your combs and brushes in dryer sheets over night, or give them a swipe with one before running it through your hair. You may not understand it now but it will help you out in the long run.

I didn't just go to Google and put ways to tame frizzy hair in the search bar, I have actually tried all of these things. After all you can't tell someone something you know nothing about. Well you can but being the person I am, I prefer not to. If you need more tips on how to retain frizz just click on the link below and you should find more things to help you.


“What’s outside my head and what’s inside my head aren’t worth mentioning. What’s worth mentioning is what’s on my head – my hair. Whatever happens, I’ll still be as fashionably coiffed as I was before the war broke out and I got dementia.”
Bauvard, Some Inspiration for the Overenthusiastic

Monday, November 25, 2013

...:::BUNdle of FUN:::...


Everyone hates Mondays just as much as the next person. Just like the girl from Mean Girls whose boobs can tell when its raining, my hair can tell when its Monday. Aside from all the other days that my hair doesn't cooperate, Monday is the worst. I can never get it to do what I want so the only other resort I have is a bun. I try to find new bun ideas because I don't like to keep it simple and I'm always on the go so I need variety. This post is to turn your boring old Monday into a hair funday. Try out these styles if you ever want to spice up your hair or just simply want a easy to go do. Remember Monday comes every week so be prepared for it!


People always ask me how long it takes to do my hair. I don’t know, I’m never there.

...:::It's A Hair Obsession:::...

Music Video
Singer/Song Writer/Cover Girl/My Idol amongst other things Ms. Janell Monae is one of my all time favorites. Call it what you want, girl crush, obsession, but whatever you want to call it, make sure you give credit where it is due because I surely will. The month is almost over and before it ends I want to speak on my hair inspiration. Though I can never get my hair exactly like that (or anywhere near it for that matter), it never hurts to try something new. She adds a futuristic aspect to a old but daring pin up. Click the image to listen to her song with another hair inspiration Erykah Badu.

...:::Hairy God Stylist:::...

     What if one morning you woke up to a head full of long, beautiful hair? What if you woke up to not even a single strand? Which morning would you prefer? Yeah, I would prefer the bald one too (just kidding). I'm sure everyone wants to be like Repunzel but you couldn't tell with the way people treat their hair. I'm not sure if I can call myself a hairstylist just yet but because I am a "behind the scenes" person when it comes to hair, I think its safe to say that a lot of folks don't take of their hair the way they should. However, most people don't do more because they don't know more than the usual wash and dry but that's what I'm here for. Call me your hairy god stylist. Pre-Treatment: The bottles tell you to lather, rinse, then repeat but they never tell you what to do before you start that process. 

  Applying your product 10 minutes in advance helps  fully absorb into your strands so you can get all of its benefits and more. The After Math: After you wash and dry, try a hot oil treatment. Hot oil treatments can help with dry scalp conditions including dandruff. Since oil and moisturizers are the key ingredient, they can condition the scalp and skin in addition to the hair. However, hot oil treatments are a temporary fix and must be repeated during on a regular basis to maintain their effectiveness.

“She was the most beautiful creature on Earth - her hair said so in that language only hair can speak.”
Gabriel Bá, Daytripper

...:::To Comb Or Not To Comb:::...


    I know your reading this title and in your head, your all like who doesn't comb their hair? You would be surprised. most people ( me being one) rarely comb their hair. Not combing your hair can be beneficial. There has been lots of times where I haven't combed my hair and people often tell me that my hair looked good that day and all I can think in my head is, boy if you only knew.
Me and my hair has a love hate relationship. I love it and it hates me. All of the time its frizzy so I continue to let it be. I'll straighten it but it never straightens. I'll curl it but it never curls there's really nothing that I can do that is guaranteed except going outside and letting it frizz up. Even when I wear my hair in a fro it never corporates. What's a girl to do? Her hair is the most important thing to her.

    My hair is never my friend so much to the point that I have had it cut more than multiple times. That definitely never works because every time it grows back it grows longer and more difficult than before. So I came to the conclusion that I need to try something new.
When I was a kid I had long and curly hair until my hairdresser at the time put a perm in it. Perms are supposed to straighten your hair (if your African-American) but it did no such thing for mines. Now that I'm older and I do my own hair, I am trying to restore it back to the way it was before. In order to do that I tend to, go comb free. Going comb  free can and will improve ones curl definition, and my hair is no longer frizzed out by combs or brushes. keeping up with my curls was a problem at first when  I started noticing  that they  weren't defining themselves easily. I tried doing other things to manage my curls such as henna treatments, braids, twists, and multiple creams but that usually didn't work. Until I realized that my curls could be defined I just needed a different approach that's why I started not combing it.

    Another reason I really don't comb my hair is that I spend a lot of money on combs. Yes I said I spend a lot of money on combs. I do this because they break a lot. I told you me and my hair don't get along. The timeless question. If you don't comb your hair then how do you get it to look like the way it does? Finger detangling . Finger detangling your hair is a completely different hair care experience and takes some time to get used to. This is not a life decision eventually I will go back to combs but for now, this is what I'm working with. If you want to switch to this method but are a little iffy and want to way out your options, check out this website for good tips.
Benefits Of Not Combing

Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself. ~Hubert de Givenchy, Vogue, July 1985

Sunday, November 24, 2013

...:::Damage Control:::...

   Long or short, if you have hair you love it. And if your anything like me your always looking for the next big thing to help you keep it. Most people have problems with their hair because they don't know how to take care of or that they don't want to invest all that money to bring it back to life. But do not fear, I am here. I know a few simple tips and tricks that can have you looking like BeyoncĂ© on one of her best days. (You'll look like her by the hair not anything else, don't get ahead of yourself).
Do you like mayonnaise? Most people don't but after this post you will have a newly found interest in it. Want your hair shiny and smooth?  Then mayonnaise is the conditioning condiment for you. Comb just enough mayo through your hair to coat it lightly. Then leave on for 30 minutes before shampooing out per normal. For a deeper conditioning treatment, place a shower cap on top of your mayo-coated locks and leave on for longer (even overnight if you’re feeling extra dry). Yes this actually works mayonnaise is also good for getting gum out of your hair (something I bet you wish you would have known when you were younger before your mom cut that patch out of your head from that one boy who said you had the cooties).
   Want to restore youth to your hair? Do your hair itch and you have to scratch a lot due to really bad dandruff? Well let vinegar be your resolution to that problem . If you add about a tablespoon of this tasty, tangy acid and  massage  full-strength apple cider vinegar into your scalp before shampooing then  as you rinse it, it can help remove residue that dulls your hair. In addition to adding shine to your hair, vinegar is also known for its skin healing properties.
Another type of food that's beneficial to your hair would be eggs.  A way to benefit from eggs’ natural proteins without the cholesterol is to crack a few eggs and beat them together in bowl. After shampooing, massage your hair and leave on before rinsing out thoroughly. This treatment should help repair or strengthen your hair follicles — leading to silkier locks with good body. Rotate ideas include whisking one egg yolk together with a dash of olive oil and 3/4 cups of warm water. Mix one of your eggs with avocado and olive oil for better results. Leave in for thirty minutes like other hair treatments.
        Want more bounce and intensifying shine you can see from a mile away? Ask your dad if he's going to drink the rest of the beer he left on the kitchen cabinet. Yes I said beer. If your iffy about this you probably shouldn't try the mayonnaise. Anyway, but because beer is rich in proteins and vitamins, through the natural barley and hops, it does contain nutrients for helping to develop healthy hair. If you're a person who doesn't wash your hair in the sink but instead in the shower, at  the end of a shower, pour a flat beer over your hair straight from your roots and let it sit for 3-4 minutes. To avoid the stench that can come with beer, follow-up with a good smelling conditioner.
You don't have to spend a lot to get the results that you want. Take it from me, I personally have used all these items and no I'm not talking about when it comes to eating them. I know a lot of hair tips and will be more than happy to share them with any one who asks. remember to wash your hair in lukewarm water, until next time.

Hair brings one's self-image into focus; it is vanity's proving ground. Hair is
terribly personal, a tangle of mysterious prejudices.  ~Shana Alexander